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Eclipse Webinar Training - Coaching, Mentorship & Internship
CourseEclipse Foundation Training for the independent learner. You will receive webinar training with coaching, mentorship, and internship. You will be ready to develop your clientele at the end of your training.
Active Listening: The Power of Silence
Digital download -
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Eclipse Strategy Session
CourseStrategy Session, Training video, and 30 minutes coaching session via phone or Zoom Meeting.
All Courses, Total Eclipse Foundation Training
Eclipse Survey & Consultation
CourseTake the survey, receive a proposal for training, and get your questions answered about Eclipse and the Profession of Court Reporting. 2 to 3 hours covers taking the survey, review session, and consultation.
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1 Hour Eclipse Training - Consultation
CourseEclipse Training - Consultation. The trainer will observe the Eclipse user as they use the software and give them suggestions on how to improve their skills.
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Deposition Remote Training – Marking Exhibits
CourseDeposition Remote Training - Marking Exhibits